
Study in Canada with admissions, visa application, and working rights along with all pre and post-landing services.

Study in Canada

Quality of Higher Education

Canada has a very high ranking internationally for education. For example, in the British Times Higher Educational, a well know educational periodical, Canada has eight of the world's best Universities for 2016- 2017. Also, according to the Times Higher Education, Canada has more course to offer than the United States. They are not so expensive as the United States. Also, the application process is a lot easier and you have a better chance of gaining permanent residency. 

Canadian Universities have a reputation for recruiting international students as well as faculty members. International collaborations are encouraged. The Canadian Educational system has a global outlook. So, it will not matter where you come from, you will be made to feel comfortable and will quickly adjust to this new environment.

A Canadian Bureau for International Education's International Students Survey found that between 90% and 95% of the students questioned were either happy or very happy with their studies. A very high number of 95% would recommend Canada as a place to study. 

General Picture

Overall Canada has a very high ranking for education compared with other countries. Overall, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD), Canada was 3rd in the world in 2010, for tests in Reading, Maths and Science. Only South Korea and Finland were higher. This was a test for 15 year olds. 

So, looking across the board at Junior schools, High Schools/Secondary Schools and Higher Education, Canada has a lot to offer academically.

Vocational Education

Again, Canada's world record is remarkable. For 2014 it ranked No 1 in the world according to the OECD in the number of students aged between 25-63 in tertiary education. The figure was 53%. The OECD world average was 32%.

This is down to the high number of students in vocational college based courses in Canada. Also note that in 2014, Canada was spending $23,200 USD per student in tertiary education, compared with the OECD average of $14.000 USD.

Canada the Country

If this wasn't enough to interest you then Canada has a lot to offer as a country as well. Canada is a very large country. Yes, the north can be extremely cold in the winter, but the south can be very warm in the summer. The southern coastal regions are also fairly mild.

The native American population along with the Inuit, have been resident in Canada for centuries. Canada was colonized by the French and English. Today both English and French are the official languages of Canada.

It is a federal democracy. Technically Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, is head of state, but Canada is a fully independent country.

Study In Canada (Canada Student Visa)

You first need to find a school, college or university that will accept you and will suit your needs.

You must apply to a designated learning institution. All primary and secondary schools in Canada are designated learning institutions. 

To get a study permit you must have an acceptance from one of these institutions. You can find a list of designated learning institutions in different provinces and territories on the Canadian official website.  

Studying in a Canadian University

You will obviously have to meet the specific requirements needed for the course you wish to apply for.  Many universities have their own unique educational systems. The types of final assessments and examinations also vary a lot. 

Colleges and Universities may want you to supply them with a Credential Assessment Report. This is to ascertain if your qualifications match those needed for entry to that particular Canadian College or University and its equivalency in Canada.

The best two organizations that can assess the validity of your academic qualifications. These are:

  • International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS).  They look at both the documentation and courses of both secondary and post secondary studies.

  • World Education Service (WES). They will look at both course and documentation for secondary level and post secondary level studies. They will only look at the courses you took at post secondary level.

Once the assessment has been completed the results will be forwarded to you along with the colleges or Universities you wish to apply to if necessary. 

With this information, a Canadian educational institution can make a sound judgment on the eligibility of your application based upon the qualifications from your home country.


You must show that you can support yourself, or have support for your studies in Canada. This extends to the course expenses as well all your living and accommodation expenses while you are in Canada.  This applies you and any family members with you.

You also have to show that you and your family members are able to make the return journey at the end of your studies. 

Good Character

You will need to show that you do not have a criminal record. This will involve a police check in your home country. This will be a document listing any convictions that are held against you. This also applies to you being a potential security risk. This applies equally to any family members who may be coming with you.  

Good Health

You may have to undergo a medical examination when you come to Canada. This could also mean bringing in certified medical documentation. Again, this will apply to any family members you bring with you.

Leaving Canada

You must be able to satisfy the immigration officials that you, and any family members, if that is the case, will be leaving Canada at the end of your studies.

Possible Exceptions 

In each of these cases you will not require a study permit for education in Canada.

  • This for anyone studying for six months or less in Canada. You must leave at the end of the allotted period. 

  • If you belong to a family or are employed by a foreign country are accredited by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), there may not be any need for the study permit. Your embassy will need to seek clarification from GAC to make sure this is the case. 

  • If you are from a foreign armed force and are covered by Visiting Forces Act, then you will not need a study permit. This does not apply, however to family members, including children. 

  • If you have Registered Status in Canada and come from another country, you will not need a permit.

Documentation You Will Need.

To apply to study in Canada you will need to get together the correct documentation. This includes:

Proof of Acceptance

For any Canadian educational institution, you will need a letter or proof of acceptance. Any letter from a school, College or University, must include the official letter heading of the institution, their full address, telephone and fax numbers, email and website if applicable. The letter needs to be included along with your study permit application.

Proof of Identity

This will mean a valid and up to date passport. If the renewal date is due then the passport must be renewed. This applies to any possible family members who may be accompanying you. For citizens from the United States, proper identification will be needed.

You will need two passport photographs of you and any family members if they are needed. Your name and date of birth should be on each photograph.

Proof of Financial Support. 

To go into this now in more detail. You will have to show that you can both support yourself and any family members who come with you. You can prove this via:  

  • Proof of a Canadian Bank with an account made out in your name.

  • Proof of any educational or student loan you may have received from a financial organization. 

  • A bank statement showing your account for the last 4 months.

  • A bank draft that uses a convertible currency.

  • Proof that you have paid any accommodation fees along with educational fees.

  • An official letter from an individual or organization who is supporting you.

  • Proof of Canadian Sponsorship, or that you are part of a specific educational program funded by Canada. 

Summary of Expenses (The assumption here is that these figures are in Canadian dollars.)

This is just an approximate figure and may differ in different scenarios:

  • Your tuition fee plus $10,000CAD for a year. For Quebec, the figure is $11,000(CAD)

  • For one family member $4000CAD a year.  For anyone 18 or older this is $5100CAD a year.

  • Each additional family member this is $3000CAD a year and $5,125CAD for anyone older than 18.

Letter of Acceptance

This might be needed if you want to undertake a specialist course prior to your main educational course. For example, an intensive English language course. 

Family member can come as well. Special visa requirements will be needed for this. This would also be part of the general study visa.

This is not by any means cover all the points that need to be covered if you wish to study in Canada. It would be a very good idea to enlist the help of an experienced and reliable immigration agency, that can help you, step by step, in getting you to Canada to study. Canadian visa application systems are very efficient and fair. Given the right support there is no reason why you should not achieve your dreams.



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